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Joshua Johnston, English Instructor, Theater

heatre Course Guide, with the Course/title, grade level, duration, # credits, prerequisites, and teacher recommendations.

  • Theatre 1 & Theater 2 (9-12)

    • Prerequisites: None / To repeat class, one must earn a B or greater
    • Requirement:  Limited amount of after-school work
    • Theatre Tech (9-12)

    The introductory class (Theater I) will expose students to improvisation, pantomime, monolog, and scene acting.  Students will gain experience in character development and script analysis.  Students will also gain hands-on experience in stagecraft while working on and/or performing a production. Upon repeating the course, advanced students (Theater II) will be engaged in in-depth studies of various kinds of drama and will refine skills in improvisation, pantomime, monolog, and scene creation.   Advanced students may have the opportunity to direct.

  • Photo of students on stage during a performance