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Parent/Student Resources

Mission Statement

The mission of Lenoir City High School is to nurture the talent, intellect, and character of each student in order to prepare them to be active citizens of a global community.

Parent Resources

We believe that:

  • Parents play in integral role in assisting their child's learning.
  • Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in the child's education at school.
  • Parents are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.

Research and experience have shown us the benefits. Students with involved parents:

  • Earn higher grades and test scores and enroll in higher-level programs.
  • Pass their classes, earn credits and are promoted.
  • Attend school regularly.
  • Graduate and go on to post-secondary education.

Resources and Information on this page are designed to provide information that may help you be a more involved parent.


State law in Tennessee excuses absences caused by sickness, death in the family, recognized religious holidays, and temporary emergencies. State law does not excuse absences due to any type of vacations. Absences resulting from vacations or family business trips will result in unexcused absences. Five unexcused absences constitute truancy by state law. Please know that unexcused absences are counted for the entire school year. Please call the school when your child is sick so we can mark it excused to the policy limit of 5 call-ins per year. The call-in must be on the day the child is absent.

A good attendance record is necessary to make satisfactory progress in school. Tennessee State Law requires a good attendance record, and it is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to ensure that his/her children are in school. State Law mandates that a student must be present three hours and sixteen minutes to be counted as present.

When any student returns to school following an absence, the student must bring to the office or student affairs(not to his/her teacher)a note signed by the parent, giving the dates and reasons for the absence. Each child is allowed a total of five call-ins, notes or e-mails each semester. After five call-ins, parent notes or e-mails each absence must be accompanied by a doctor, dentist or court note in order to be excused. All notes from doctors, dentists or courts must be turned in the day the child returns to school. They will not be accepted after the 3rd day of the date of the absence. If you have had a court appointment, there must be a note from the Justice Center to turn in to the attendance secretary. All call-ins, notes and e-mails are subject to verification.

The attendance e-mail for Lenoir City Elementary is:
The attendance e-mail for Lenoir City Middle is:
The attendance e-mail for Lenoir City High is:

Five absences per semester may be excused with a call in or note for the following reasons only:

  • Student’s personal illness
  • Illness in immediate family
  • Death in immediate family
  • Medical or dental note from doctor
  • Court appointment (with documentation)
  • Church trip with note on church letterhead
  • Seniors are allowed one college visit (verification from college)*
  • Any absence with extenuating circumstances must be approved by the principal prior to absence.

A student is considered truant on the 5th unexcused absence, occurring anytime during the school year. If attendance policies are not followed, parents and/or guardians will receive notice to appear before the truancy board. If your child is going to be home due to illness for over two weeks, you may want to inquire about the possibility of a homebound teacher. Please call 986-8922 for further clarification and information.

*Lenoir City High School only