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Service Learning Opportunities

  • Better Together, Peer Tutoring, photo of two high school students studying
  • Better Together, Action Service Learning, photo of a high school student working with a young student
  • Student Innovations and Help Desk, photo of hands typing on a laptop

Peer Tutoring

This class is open to juniors and seniors who are interested in selecting a career in the human services or education areas and are willing to provide assistance to other students who are having difficulty with academic work. Classwork varies depending on placement, but could include: reading tests, working with small groups, working one-on-one, keeping students on task during lectures, helping with make-up work, and keeping a class notebook with notes, worksheets, tests, etc. All peer tutors will write a final paper discussing their experience. Peer tutors will be placed in classes based on their areas of strength, and where they are needed most.  All peer tutors are required to develop at least two (2) lessons or classroom activities over the course of the semester (to be determined by the cooperating teacher) that will count for a midterm and a final exam grade. 

Action Service Learning

Prerequisites: GPA of 2.7 or higher; Teacher recommendation; No in-school suspensions; Acceptable Attendance/Discipline

This class serves students who are interested in participating in community service.  It consists of choosing a group project that will be of interest to the students as well as benefit the community.  Examples could include working with Shangri-La Therapeutic Academy of Riding (STAR), The Good Samaritan House, or Lenoir City Elementary School.  Students will get to apply classroom knowledge to the development, implementation, and evaluation of the community service project.  This class is for students who possess strong leadership skills, demonstrate maturity and strong character, and have a strong desire to give back to their community. 

Student Technology & Innovation (Help Desk)

Our student-operated Help Desk class is located in the Media Center.  Students are trained to troubleshoot student technology ranging from software to hardware issues. Students are trained to submit repair tickets into our technology management system, issue loaner devices to students, and make simple repairs on their own.  Student assignments vary and grades as based on participation. This class can be a capstone experience for Digital Arts and Business Management focus areas.