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Visitor Code of Conduct

Visitor Code of Conduct

Parents, community members, and any other visitors to school property or during school

1. Act in a threatening manner toward another or others.
2. Injure or threaten another or others.
3. Damage school property, or the personal property of another or others.
4. Disrupt classes, school programs or other school activities in any way.
5. Communicate with another or others in an abusive, harassing, or threatening
6. Audio or video record where there is an expectation of privacy (i.e., classroom
instruction, locker rooms, etc.)
7. Disrupt school transportation or confront transportation staff on a bus/vehicle, a
road, a neighborhood, etc.
8. Distribute or wear materials which are vulgar, obscene, advocate illegal action,
promote drugs, or are disruptive.
9. Harass or discriminate against another or others based on protected class status
(e.g., race, color, religion, etc.).
10. Enter school property, or certain areas of school property, when
otherwise restricted from entering the same.
11. Fail to promptly leave school property upon being directed to do so by school
administration or law enforcement.
12. Possess, consume, sell, distribute or exchange alcoholic beverages, tobacco,
vaping products, or illegal drugs.
13. Possess or use firearms or dangerous weapons, except in the case of law
enforcement officers.
14. Gamble or encourage another or others to gamble.
15. Violate any applicable federal or state statue, local ordinance, or board policy.

If you have questions about this Code of Conduct, please refer to the school
system’s online Policy Manual located online at
(Policy No. 6.300), and/or contact central office using the following telephone
number: 865-986-8058