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Digital Arts & Design

A headshot of Crystal Wallace, Digital Arts & Design Instructor, with a honeycomb pattern in the background.

A chart outlining the Digital Arts & Design Pathway, showing course options and industry certifications.

Digital Arts and Design I (9-10)

  • Prerequisite: None

This course provides a foundation in design concepts and applies these concepts to the visual art, design, printing, and photography industries. Course content is designed to foster skills and understanding that are essential in modern digital design. Focus will be on developing an understanding of key design concepts and strategies, along with design challenges that translate into creative communication solutions which accurately and effectively reach targeted audiences. Students will explore various applications of design through extensive study of typography, photography, photo enhancement with Photoshop CC editing software and photography using Canon digital cameras, composition, visual elements, color, and various problem-solving tasks.  In addition, students will begin compiling artifacts for inclusion in a digital portfolio which they will carry with them throughout the full sequence of courses in this program of study. At the end of the course there is an option to take an Adobe Photoshop credential exam. This course satisfies the state “Fine Arts” graduation credit.

Digital Arts and Design II (10-11) 

  • Prerequisite: Level 1 of the Digital Arts Pathway; Teacher recommendation

This course is designed to broaden the foundation of design concepts and understanding fostered in Digital Arts 1 and use those skills to create student publications such as the yearbook, video announcements, online newspaper, radio broadcasts, and video interviewing.  Industry-standard software is used, as well as studying the cost of design and career exploration.  In addition, students will continue compiling artifacts for inclusion in a digital portfolio which they will carry with them throughout the full sequence of courses in this program of study. 

Digital Arts and Design III (11-12) 

  • Prerequisite: Level 1-2 of the Digital Arts Pathway; Teacher recommendation
  • Industry Credential Opportunity: Adobe Certified Associate Industry 

This course is designed to broaden the foundation of design concepts and understanding fostered in Digital Arts II, and use those skills to create student publications such as the yearbook, video announcements, online newspaper, radio broadcasts, and video interviewing.  Industry-standard software is used, as well as studying the cost of design and career exploration.  In addition, students will continue compiling artifacts for inclusion in a digital portfolio which they will carry with them throughout the full sequence of courses in this program of study.

Journalism A / B (10-12)

This class offers a variety of learning experiences in business, graphic arts, photography, and writing.  This is a production class in which the member accepts responsibility for the creation of the yearbook, video news,  and school newspaper.  Students who are hard workers, possess specialized talents, and are willing to accept a challenge are encouraged to apply for admission into this class.  This class requires a year-long commitment for which students may earn two (2) credits each year enrolled.

Work-Based Learning: Digital Arts and Design Career Practicum 

  • Prerequisite: At least 2 courses in the Digital Arts and Design pathway
  • Enrollment: Students must complete an application which is located in the CTE building.
  • Offered all blocks of the day

Work-Based Learning Digital Arts and Design Career Practicum is a capstone course intended to provide students with opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous Digital Arts and Design classes and general education courses within a professional work environment. The course allows students to earn high school credit for select models of work-based learning, which allow students to interact with industry professionals in order to extend and deepen classroom work and support the development of postsecondary and career readiness knowledge and skills.