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A headshot of Steven Code, an engineering instructor, with the text 'Engineering Instructor' and 'Steven Code' in large, orange letters.

A chart outlining an engineering pathway with four levels, each with a course description and industry certification requirements.

Principles of Engineering & Technology  (9-10)

  • Prerequisite: N/A

Principles of Engineering and Technology is a foundational course for students interested in learning more about careers in engineering and technology. This course covers basic skills required for engineering and technology fields of study. Upon completion of this course, proficient students are able to identify and explain the steps in the engineering design process. They can evaluate an existing engineering design, use fundamental sketching and engineering drawing techniques including CAD software to create three dimensional drawings, complete simple design projects using the engineering design process, and effectively communicate design solutions to others.  


Engineering Design I (10-11)

  • Prerequisite: Level 1 of the Engineering Pathway

Engineering Design I extends the design process, sketching and CAD skills learned in POE by solving real world problems.  The student will explore mechanical engineering concepts through challenging machine design projects.  They will also be able to identify simple and complex machines; calculate various ratios related to mechanisms; explain fundamental concepts related to energy; and understand Ohm’s Law.  The final team project will introduce architecture CAD software to design a handicap accessible Habitat for Humanity house.


Engineering Design II (10-12)

  • Prerequisite: Levels 1-2 of the Engineering Pathway

Engineering Design II is a fundamental course in the STEM cluster for students interested in developing their skills in preparation for careers in engineering and technology. The course covers essential knowledge, skills, and concepts required for postsecondary engineering and technology fields of study. Upon completion of this course, proficient students are able to describe various engineering disciplines, as well as admissions requirements for postsecondary engineering and engineering technology programs in Tennessee.  Engineering systems are studied including machine control (programming), Fluid mechanics, and  Materials and Mechanical Properties.  The final team project will be an engineering problem that will use architecture CAD software to design buildings, roads, bridges, and landscape to meet a need of the community.  It will include calculating forces in statics and studying engineering ethics, economics, and social and environmental impacts of the project.


Dual Enrollment Engineering Capstone  (C21H00DE)

  • Prerequisite: Levels 1-3 of the Engineering Pathway

This course is a study of the mechanical components that are included in a complex mechatronic system. Topics covered will include an overview of Statics and Kinetics with a focus on force system analysis, study of equilibrium, frames and machines, friction and the effects of forces on the motion of objects. Fundamentals and classification of machine elements to include calculations involving force, stress and wear analysis will also be covered. 

  • Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.


Engineering  Practicum 

  • Prerequisite: At least 2 courses in the Engineering pathway

Engineering Practicum is a capstone course intended to provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous Engineering courses within a professional, working environment. In addition to developing an understanding of the professional and ethical issues encountered by engineers and technologists in the workplace, students learn to refine their skills in problem solving, research, communication, data analysis, teamwork, and project management. The course is highly customizable to meet local system needs: instruction may be delivered through school laboratory training or through work-based learning arrangements such as internships, cooperative education, service learning, mentoring, and job shadowing. Upon completion of the practicum, students will be prepared for postsecondary study in engineering and technology fields.

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Cutting Board engraved with the name Swanner Appalachian Trail distance marker I will give my all for Tennessee today plaque

Wooden plaque shaped like Tennessee with an orange T in the middle Cutting board with the Smoky Mountains engraved on it. Tennessee shaped board with 3 blue stars inside of a red circle

Blue colored image of Tellico Lake on a piece of wood Blue image of Fort Loudoun Lake on a piece of wood

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