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Residential & Commercial Construction

A headshot of Jonathan Ingram, Residential & Commercial Construction Instructor, with a brick wall pattern in the background.

A chart outlining the curriculum for Residential & Commercial Construction, including levels, courses, and industry certifications.

Fundamentals of Construction (9-10)

  • Prerequisite: None
  • Industry Credential Opportunity: OSHA 10

This is a course that will introduce students to basic skills and knowledge applicable to all construction trades.  Topics covered include safety, construction drawings, site layout, hand and power tools, linear and angular measurements, and application of algebraic and geometric principles to construction problems. Safety training for OSHA and EPA requirements, fire safety, and workplace issues are covered thoroughly.

Residential and Commercial Construction I (10-12)

  • Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Construction & Algebra I
  • Industry Certification Opportunity: NCCER Construction Technology

This is a course that will introduce students to basic skills and knowledge related to residential and commercial carpentry.  Topics covered include wood, metal and concrete building materials, fasteners, hand and power tools, fabrication based on construction plans, and framing of platform and post-and-beam structures (in both wood and metal).  This course gives students an introduction to the skills and knowledge base typically required for apprentice carpenters.  Students are strongly encouraged to participate in SkillsUSA.


Construction Practicum (12)

  • Prerequisite: Residential & Commercial Construction II
  • Offered: Summer only

This is a capstone course intended to provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous construction courses within a professional working environment. In addition to developing an understanding of the professional and ethical issues encountered by tradesmen and contractors in the workplace, students learn to refine their skills in problem solving, communication, teamwork, and project management in the completion of an off-site, course-long project. 


Work-Based Learning: Residential & Commercial Construction  Career Practicum

  • Prerequisite: At least 2 course in the Culinart Arts pathway
  • Enrollment: Students must complete an application which is located in the CTE building.
  • Offered all blocks of the day

Work-Based Learning Residential & Commercial Construction Career Practicum is a capstone course intended to provide students with opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous Residential & Commercial Construction classes and general education courses within a professional work environment. The course allows students to earn high school credit for select models of work-based learning, which allow students to interact with industry professionals in order to extend and deepen classroom work and support the development of postsecondary and career readiness knowledge and skills.


Building Construction Technology 1-4 / TCAT, Harriman

  • Offered: LCHS Campus, Fall & Spring Semesters

The Building Construction Technology Program is designed to prepare students for employment in the electrical, plumbing, roofing, construction and/or remodeling fields.  Skills taught in the course include safety, general building concepts, masonry, framing, roofing, plumbing, wiring techniques and installation, National Electric Codes, blueprint reading, and finishing. The student will receive theory and skill practice in the classroom and lab as well as be required to build on site completing the hands-on skill portion of his/her training.

  • Building Construction Technology Level 1 (1 credit)
  • Building Construction Technology Level 2 (1 credit)
  • Building Construction Technology Level 3 (1 credit)
  • Building Construction Technology Level 4 (1 credit)

For details about Dual Enrollment Building Construction Technology through TCAT, Harriman, click the link: Building Construction Technology

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